Addis is hot and smelly, I'm wearing clothes I've been swapping on my body for two weeks in sweaty conditions, I'm sitting with a group of guys who, despite the fact that they are nice guys, I've been with nonstop for, like, eleven days. This group of guys includes my boss, who seems to be duplicating my job wherever we go. The crowd has thinned to five. Four of us are on the same KLM flight this evening, so we'll get to ride to the airport together, and sit (for hours) in Amsterdam together - Yippee!!
And through the magic that is Facebook chat I just learned that E-Taylor will be transiting through Addis the same time I'll be there tonight. So I'll get to see him!
Ethiopia has been a great experience, but its time for me to get home, or at least onto the plane where I can put my earbuds in and close my eyes so people quit talking to me.
Great stuff. I would make this required reading before any of our origin trips, but "required" suggests boring and your entries have been anything but. I can't fathom how you found the time, but thanks for doing it.